If you want to be a successful network marketer with AIM Global, it is not enough that you are motivated. While motivation is vital for success to happen, it is still important to learn the right skills in order to get to your desired outcome quickly. As the philosopher, Jim Rohn said, “Motivation alone is not enough, if you have an idiot and you motivate him, you now have a motivated idiot.” This only means that you should not assume that your new distributors would know everything just because he or she is excited to do the business.
Learning new skills are important, the faster you learn this skills, the faster you can gain massive success and earn residual income that could greatly benefit you and your family.
The good thing about Network Marketing is that this skills cost less or even FREE to learn. Unlike in other careers like sports athletes, medical doctors, lawyers, engineers, the skills needed to learn here could cost you lots of time and money and yet Network Marketers have proven to create more Millionaires than any other profession in this world.
The first and MAJOR skill that you need to learn in Network Marketing is how to invite prospects. Since we are into people business, the proper skills that you can adapt here is close to being priceless. It can propel you to great heights that not even you can foresee.
So what are the steps in learning how to invite prospects?
1. The first thing to remember is that people do not just join your business.They actually join YOU.
If they already got to the point of registering for a single or multiple accounts always remember that these people decided to join primarily because of you. The character within you or perhaps the relationship that you have built with your prospect was the deciding factor. The products, marketing plan etc. follows only afterwards.
So if you want to attract people to join you, be an attractive person. This also applies if you are into online marketing. Be a reliable person, which means you have to make constant communication with the people you connect with online. Build friendships, build relationships.
Don’t open your conversation with the goal of recruiting the other person right away. They will run away from you.
Inspire them at first by showing examples of the different people with different backgrounds who have made it big in this business. Then educate them with our products and how much it could provide value to them and to their families. After doing this, step back and let your prospect decide on your offer.
Inspire them at first by showing examples of the different people with different backgrounds who have made it big in this business. Then educate them with our products and how much it could provide value to them and to their families. After doing this, step back and let your prospect decide on your offer.
2. The next step is you have to always be enthusiastic. This applies whether you are speaking to them via 1-on-1 meeting, small group presentation or even online video or chat like (skype).
There is a big difference in saying, “C’mon friend, take a look at my offer, we have foreigners joining us plus you also have a chance to travel abroad for free” in an enthusiastic way to that of saying it in a monotone way.
The latter would sound like as if your business has already closed down even if it has even started.
Remember this, aside from food, clothing and shelter MAN has other needs. You can capitalize with these needs as you go on prospecting.
They are…
MAN needs Security
Man needs the basics in life to survive, as stated above, we all need food, shelter and clothing. Such needs could only be enjoyed if you have an income to sustain it. There are prospects out there that don’t get motivated at first with the huge income our business offers. So instead of saying you can earn big income like tens of thousands of dollars a month, you can offer them a chance to earn at least 25% -50% retail profit part time.
Let us share you some example.
A call center agent in the Philippines has a salary of about P15, 000-20,000 (US$350-450) per month. If you came out to them and offer an extra income of P100, 000/month, some people might not believe you. But if you came up to them and say that they can earn an extra P1,000 -2,000 sideline income without their boss around them, there is a big chance of them taking your offer.
Is P1, 000-2,000/month extra income big to most employees?
You bet. Have you ever seen your officemates having a big deal of salary discrepancy of about P10-20.?
There was a time were violent rallies were made just for the sake of a salary increase of P1- (one peso).
So were pretty sure that an amount of 1k-2k increase in income could surely be a great help to compensate some of our prospects daily allowance.
So were pretty sure that an amount of 1k-2k increase in income could surely be a great help to compensate some of our prospects daily allowance.
MAN needs LOVE
There are people around us who are not motivated by money. We have prospects that are already very rich. These people would not join you if you came up and tell them if they can earn P100, 000 or even a million a month income. They have been there already.
Can you imagine if you try to invite your Uncle who owns a huge factory and owns acres of land in his province and your first sentence is, “ahh umm, Uncle, do you want to be rich?” It is more than likely that you could get turned down.
But what if you came up to him and say, “Uncle in this business, we go out every month to bond, and we also have an ALIVE foundation wherein we give help to our less fortunate brothers and sisters.” This could stimulate interest for your uncle to join the business because he has a chance to do some charity works.
Man, wants to give LOVE and be LOVED.
Man, wants to give LOVE and be LOVED.
It is a given fact, not all highly paid professionals are really happy with their life. This goes to show that money never makes you happy. What makes them happy is when they have this success feeling, like when they are recognize for the work that they do.
Here in AIM Global, we never fall short of recognition. We always give time in recognizing our distributors for every level of achievement. Last year alone, we held about 4 big events in major coliseums and arenas in the country.
So if you have a prospect like a highly paid doctor for example, you could say something like, “Doc, if you become a Global Ambassador in this business, you can have a chance to speak to a lot of people and share the great benefits of our products and services.”
You could create your own group, name it as you wish and elect yourself as President or the CEO of that group. It is all up to you.
It has been said that the poorest man on earth is not the man who does not have money – it is the one who does not have dreams. A lot of people, because of the many hardships in life have forgotten on how to dream.
In Network Marketing, we revive those dreams. We teach people that there is more to life than working from 9-5 just to pay the bills and retire.
The biggest dreams we can offer is that you can have FREEDOM. Freedom from your financial woes, as well as the limited time you give to yourself and family.
So tell your prospect that this Business offers them both financial and time freedom. It will help them bring back the time that they have lost because of your job and have the money to enjoy that time.
Closing Comments
Network Marketing is a business. We recommend that you treat it as such. When you become a serious professional networker, the business would then be serious with you.
Treat it as just mere sideline business, then the results that you would get is also just mere sideline income.
Treat it as a big time business, then the income would also be big time.
Treat it as a big time business, then the income would also be big time.
Whatever is your choice, just make sure that you take time to learn on how to build your network properly, because there are no short cuts in networking.
Have a genuine desire to help others succeed
We will see you at the TOP!