Today’s article completes the three foundations of your Network Marketing Success with AIM Global. Again each foundation is highly important but it could not stand alone by itself. It’s just like a tri-pod, if you remove one leg, the equipment becomes unbalance and it would then fall down. You must be willing to work on all three.
Today we will talk about Service.
Today we will talk about Service.
If you want to prosper, you have to serve. This statement applies in every aspect in life be It in family, business, personal etc. That is why Service in AIM Business requires 100% of your time because if you don’t give your 100%, your business could die out quickly.
You may be the expert in sponsoring new directs, that you can sponsor 100 people in a year. You may be so good in selling that you can sell over a million worth of products just by yourself, but if you are so poor when it comes to giving service to your new downlines or customers. Don’t expect your business to grow as big as you want it to be. You can’t be successful in this business on your own.
Real profit in our business, comes from repeat orders, repeat customers. These are your customers who boast about our products and service. These are your downlines who are able to duplicate you and bring in new friends and prospects with them.
People do not care how much you know, they want to know how much you care.
We all heard their stories. People coming from different groups, or other networking companies, who after joining the business, and investing their hard earned monies was left behind by their uplines or the company itself to work on their own. They were not guided or trained. They were left in the dark.
We all heard their stories. People coming from different groups, or other networking companies, who after joining the business, and investing their hard earned monies was left behind by their uplines or the company itself to work on their own. They were not guided or trained. They were left in the dark.
This is one of the reasons why there are negative people in our industry. People who was once positive in our business but suddenly becomes the opposite because of the bad experience they had from their previous upline or company.
That is why we highly advise that you should take care of your downlines. Do not leave them alone and untrained especially when they are new.
If you want to have a Big and solid network, make sure that you increase your Service.
Business with a Higher Purpose
There are three ways to increase your service in AIM GLOBAL.
There are three ways to increase your service in AIM GLOBAL.
They are:
(1) Size, (2) Strength, (3) Spirit
1. Increase the SIZE of your Service
Mark Zuckerberg is a computer programmer and internet entrepreneur. He is best known as one of the five co-founders of the social networking website, Facebook. He now stands as the chairman and CEO of Facebook, Inc. Last March 2015, his estimated wealth is said to have reached $35.1 billion. That is not bad for a guy, who dropped out from college and only created Facebook in his dormitory.
Why is Mark so rich?
It is because as of 2012, Facebook reached a total of one billion users. Now that is a lot of people right?
That only means one thing; the guy is serving more than a billion people around the world. These are one billion people who post, like, unlike, comment, share, friend, unfriend or any other activity this website can do. He serves people who use Facebook as a means to do business or just simply to catch up with friends and relatives and have a peek into what is going on with each other’s lives.
No wonder he is rich.
That only means one thing; the guy is serving more than a billion people around the world. These are one billion people who post, like, unlike, comment, share, friend, unfriend or any other activity this website can do. He serves people who use Facebook as a means to do business or just simply to catch up with friends and relatives and have a peek into what is going on with each other’s lives.
No wonder he is rich.
Let us give you another example.
Our Top Distributor Joseph Lim is now earning over P3 million a month. He is currently ranked 114 as the top earning networker in the world.
He has an estimated 30,000 Downlines as of today.
These are 30,000 people who use our products, shares the products, prospects new blood. Joseph goes around the country to speak for this people and try to train, motivate and inspire them and help them build a successful networking business of their own.
No wonder he is so rich.
Let us ask you. How many people are you serving today? Is it 10 people? 100 people? 1000 people?
Now you know what we mean when we say, “increase the size” of your service.
2. Increase the STRENGHT of your service
You gain strength by giving your best in servicing your Downlines. An example is when your new downline invites you to his house to present the business in front of his relatives and friends, make sure you are fully prepared in speaking about the products and the marketing plan. When we say prepared we mean you put yourself in a position to share the opportunity the best way you can.
Be prepared physically. Dress like a Global Ambassador, Smell like a Global Ambassador. Speak like a Global Ambassador, even if you are not.
Be knowledgeable. Make sure you become an expert on what you are going to say. Don’t exaggerate. Learn how to handle objections. Remember your downline put a lot of effort in organizing the meeting so do the best that you can.
So in a nutshell, when we say strength, we mean you have to try to do your 100% all the time in servicing your downline.
In size, you ask yourself, “How many downlines and customers do I serve?” and in Strength, you ask “How many downlines or customer have been satisfied in my service?”
3. Increase the SPIRIT of your Service
The most powerful force in the Universe is LOVE. Love conquers all things. If you want to have a big and solid network, you have to put love in your business.
To give real service you must add something that cannot be bought or measured by money. That is love to your group.
Imagine this scenario.
Two AIM Global distributors are inviting you to join the business. One is someone you know, and the other is a stranger. Who would you say yes to?
Two AIM Global distributors are inviting you to join the business. One is someone you know, and the other is a stranger. Who would you say yes to?
Second scenario
Two AIM Global distributors are inviting you to join the business. One is someone you know and the other is someone you like. Who would you say yes to?
Two AIM Global distributors are inviting you to join the business. One is someone you know and the other is someone you like. Who would you say yes to?
Third scenario
Two AIM Global distributors are inviting you to join the business. One is someone you like and the other is someone you love. Who would you say yes to?
Two AIM Global distributors are inviting you to join the business. One is someone you like and the other is someone you love. Who would you say yes to?
We believe you already know the answers.
Business is all about relationships.
There may sometimes where you lack the size, or you may be bad in strength but if you have a great spirit, this could compensate the lack of the other two.
It is because in size, you ask “How many Downlines you serve?” In strength, “How many Downlines are satisfied with your service?” In spirit, “How many Downlines have become your friends?”
In AIM GLOBAL the word “service” is our second nature. Our website AIMCADEMY alone is just one proof of it. We are a global business that serves global distributors around the world that is why our Service echoes worldwide.
So stop thinking too much of the money. Stop thinking about making a million peso or dollars, and start thinking of serving a million people.
Happy Networking! We are happy to serve you!